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Inside out of an industry lab: the use of Data Science in R&D area

According to the CNI (National Confederation of Industry), of R$100 invested in R&D, R$69 has its origin in industry. This shows the sector’s effort in the context of innovation and technological development. Also, according to the same agency, between 2016 and 2019, industry investment in R&D grew 33.4%, reaching R$ 16.9 billion.

The Research and Development (R&D) sector refers to the set of activities carried out focused on innovation and improvement in the quality of products. It involves the scientific research stage to discover new possible improvements and the actual application of these in production. This area adds positively in several scenarios to the industry’s routine, like in:

  • Continuous Innovation: R&D allows the development of new functionalities, products and technologies, keeping the industry always up to date with the state of the art of the market;
  • Competitiveness: Industries that invest in R&D are more prepared to compete, offering features and high-quality products;
  • Sustainability: R&D results in more sustainable solutions, which reduces environmental impact and promotes circular economy practices;
  • Flexibility: With this sector, industries are able to quickly adapt to market changes and new existing demands;

To intensify this impact, it is possible to invest in tools such as Data Science in R&D. From the analysis of large volumes of data, the industry can identify patterns and trends that may not be visible at first sight. This results in the optimization of processes and aids in an informed decision-making process.

This case highlights how a large manufacturing industry in the Pulp and Paper sector used the ST-One™ Solution to reduce the experiments development time. Learn more about us.


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