sucesss case

Henkel reduces water costs and gas consumption with the ST-One Solution™

A case study of how Data Science optimized gas use and lowered water costs in a chemical industry

Henkel – a global leader in the adhesives segment within the chemical industry sector – has a commitment to sustainability as one of its core values. To achieve this goal, the multinational developed a strategy of transforming processes, products and the use of raw materials. This is accomplished by investing in innovative technologies, making the vision of a future efficient in terms of natural resources and climate neutrality possible.

In a glue production line, water is a key ingredient. It is used as a solvent to dissolve the components of the product, facilitating the mixtures and chemical reactions required during production. Additionally, this resource is envolved in the transport of substances used in different stages of the line. In the utilities area, water is used in chilling systems to prevent the degradation of chemical components and ensure the quality of the product.

Gas, on the other hand, is used as a raw material for, for example, in the synthesis of chemical compounds that are part of the glue formulation. Additionally, gases such as nitrogen have inert and non-flammable properties, which prevents unwanted reactions during production. In the utilities area, natural gas acts as an energy source for heat reactors and other equipment. Finally, it is used in drying processes to remove solvents and other liquids from the product.

At Henkel’s Jundiai plant, headquartered in Brazil, the ST-One™ Solution was applied to both production lines and utilities. After achieving concrete gains in the production stages, the plant prioritized expanding the technology to the utilities area focusing on optimizing the use of gas and reducing water cost. This resulted in economic gains and compliance with its already established ESG strategies. Learn more about Henkel and ST-One.


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