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Mental health in the industrial sector: creating a supportive environment

06 de September 8 min. de leitura

Mental health in the industrial sector: creating a supportive environment

Mental Health

Copyright: ST-One

“Diseases are the result not only of our actions, but also of our thoughts”, said by Gandhi, when discussing mental health. This subject is highlighted with the arrival of Yellow September, known worldwide as the campaign against suicide. It was inspired by the story of Mike Emme, who committed suicide at the age of 17 in September 1994 in the United States. He was known for his passion for cars, having restored and painted a ’68 yellow Mustang. Unfortunately, his family did not realize the psychological issues he faced. Thus, it was not possible to prevent his suicide, being found inside his own car. During his funeral, cards decorated with a yellow ribbon with the phrase “if you need it, ask for help” were distributed, becoming a symbol of the campaign. In Brazil, it was adopted in 2015 by the Center for the Valorization of Life (CVV), the Federal Council of Medicine and the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry.

Mental health is not only about the absence of problems, but also a state where the individual can deal with everyday situations, which are diverse and unpredictable. Therefore, it is necessary to understand this concept as something general, with infinite ways of experiencing it, where adversities are not necessarily banished. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as well-being, with the capacity to realize their own abilities, deal with stress, and contribute to their community.

“Mental health is also a definition of health as a whole. It’s a matter of cause and consequence, if you don’t take care of your mental health, you can have issues in your physical health. The reverse situation is also true. In general, everything is interconnected” – Larissa, psychologist from ST-One’s People team

Mental Health

Copyright: ST-One

Mental health: a collective issue

Each person experiences mental health differently, as there are several individual, social, and structural factors that influence it. Because of this, the risks of suffering diseases linked to it can manifest themselves at any stage of life. However, there are protective factors that contribute to increased resilience, such as positive social interactions, development of emotional skills, and good working conditions.

According to the Ministry of Health (2022), Brazil has the highest incidence of depression among all countries in of Latin America. In addition, about 9.3% of the Brazilian population suffers from some type of anxiety disorder, which represents almost 18 million people. Despite the scary number, concern about mental health issues has also grown. These data are from the Global Health Service Monitor survey  (2022), which showed that the rate of Brazilians alert to this topic grew approximately threefold. In 2019 the number was 27%, while in 2022 the index jumped to 49%. This was especially true after the pandemic, a period in which mental illnesses were more openly discussed.

This study is a clear example of the impact of visibility and awareness of mental health, especially for the reduction of stigma related to this subject. The change of scenario occurs mainly through social engagement, promoting a more understanding and empathetic vision. The more knowledge that is shared, the greater the chance that people will seek appropriate treatment.

Mental health at work: type of alerts

The sharing of information is the first step, followed by identifying symptoms like:

  • Loss of interest: lack of interest in activities that were previously pleasurable, or sudden change in behavior;
  • Verbal manifestations: these indicators should not be seen as threats, but rather as warnings of real risks. It is very important to be open, and willing to talk and understand the reason behavior such behavior, creating a safe environment;
  • Isolation: people with suicidal or depressive thoughts can isolate themselves, staying at home, canceling social activities, and not interacting on social media;
  • Sadness: feeling sad or discouraged for long periods, and manifesting tiredness for no apparent reason. Also, it is possible to perceive a negative view of life and a lack of future perspective.
Mental health

Copyright: ST-One

Mental health in industries is a hot topic

According to the report “Guidelines on Mental Health at Work” (2022), published by the WHO, about 60% of the world’s economically active population is employed. The performance of this routine activity can impact mental health in both positive and negative sides. If, on the one hand, it is an opportunity to grow and do what you like, in contrast, factors such as excessive workload result in medical leave.

According to Larissa, the psychologist from ST-One’s People team , it is necessary to pay attention to the employees’ routine, as work is an integral part of life. “It is necessary to evaluate their health and how they are introduced within the company (…) If we do the math, sometimes we spend more time at work than inside our own home.” In conclusion, the idea is not to determine if the problems were triggered inside or outside the workplace, but to focus on mapping its role in any pre-existing conditions.

The scenario is positive, with mental health becoming an increasingly present and constant agenda. Currently, there is a growing awareness of the importance of mental health in the industry. Information released by CNN (2021) points out that companies’ interest in creating actions aimed at mental health has grown 33% in the last five years. This change in culture is very significant, as psychological well-being stimulates creativity and engagement among teams. Additionally, the team feels valued and tends to stay with the organization longer. Finally, talking openly about mental health topics demonstrates social responsibility and attracts quality talent.

The impact is also in the financial sector, since, according to Sebrae (2023), mental illnesses generate a global economic impact of US$ 1 trillion in lost productivity. These factors show that the benefits of investing in mental health impact the entire industry ecosystem, contributing to quality of life and profitability.

Actions that increase mental health

To create a healthy environment, the industry needs methods, planning, commitment, and time. For instance, several actions can be taken to improve mental health, such as:

  • Dialogue: it is necessary to exchange ideas, talk and think of projects to solve problems and take care of employees. For example, it is possible to organize a recurring agenda of conversations, seeking to develop the team’s trust;
  • Psychological support: provide psychologists to assist employees. This allows you to correctly and previously identify and treat possible mental health problems;
  • Leadership training: training leaders to recognize the signs of stress and anxiety, and to offer appropriate support when needed;
  • Decompression spaces: create relaxation and rest areas in the work environment to take breaks and reduce stress;
  • Positive feedback: establishing a culture of constructive feedback can increase motivation and well-being within the industry;
  • Physical exercise: promoting physical activities, in group or individual, helps reduce stress;
  • Flexibility at work: Offer flexible hours to enable employees to achieve a work-life balance;

ST-One has a campaign in favor of the mental health of its employees, including extra benefits and the construction of a safe space for dialogue. To get the necessary adhesion, Juliana, a member of the People team, says that the first step was to inform employees about the topic. “In the case of psychological support, it is important to bring knowledge about the expertise of each professional and how to access it. The choice of method is essential, as it is to the psychologist that you will tell information about your daily life”.

Mental Health in industry

Copyright: ST-One

If you need it, seek help

The guarantee of the health rights includes mental health care. In this aspect, there are several institutions and material that value this monitoring and awareness. In Brazil, this care can be provided in any unit of the Psychosocial Care Network (RAPS), which offers several health services with different purposes. This network promotes mental health, provides assistance and care, and helps the reintegration of people with psychological suffering. This reinforces the idea that this struggle is not individual but must be thought of collectively.

In addition, the Life Appreciation Center (CVV) is a non-profit organization that offers emotional support and works on suicide prevention. It was founded in 1962, it serves people who need to talk, anonymously and free of charge. The service available by calling 188, 24 hours a day, at no additional cost.

To learn more about the subject, it is recommended to read the Mental Health Care Guidelines Booklet (2020), produced and made available by the Federal Government. More specifically for the industry context, the Booklet for Attention to the Psychological Suffering of Workers (2014) offers guidance on mental health related to work. Learn more about us. 


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