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Enabling technology: ST-One and the role of humans in the industry of the future.

18 de March 3 min. de leitura

Enabling technology: ST-One and the role of humans in the industry of the future.

enabling technology future industry

Copyright: EBDI

ST-One had the privilege of participating, as one of the speakers, in the event “The place of the human in the industry of the future” which took place in Curitiba, on the 13th, 14th and 15th of March. The meeting between leaders was provided by EBDI, promoter of events and business opportunities relevant to the Brazilian industrial scenario.

The theme of the event is broad and touches on several topics: besides the protagonism that humans now have within the manufacturing environment, how prepared those are to encourage people to play a strategic role.

To summarize, the content presented covered the following subjects:

  • Challenges and opportunities of industry 4.0 in Brazil
  • New industrial era: people at the center of business
  • Technologies that drive industry 4.0
  • The industry of the future

The topics were addressed from different perspectives, by companies such as PEPSICO, DEXCO, RENAULT, GRENDENE, M. DIAS BRANCO, BUNGE and KLABIN.


ST-One Contribution to the Future of Industries

enabling technology future industry

Copyright: ST-One

ST-One joined the discussion with co-founder Tiago Machado, illustrating how “Exploring factories with data” changes not only the routine of an industry, but also its main indicators.

Through cases, Tiago navigated common problems, likely to occur in any manufacturing plant, and how solutions were found. The answer was in the questions. Knowing how to ask the right questions is what leads a circumstance to be understood and then resolved.

In the speech, 3 phrases stood out – these are imminent for the human and technological future that awaits industries: “Stories are data with a soul” (Brené Brown), “Culture is a set of habits”, “What moves the world is not the answers, but the questions” (Albert Einstein).

If absorbed, these 3 concepts have a transformative power as great as the most advanced technology. People, collaborators, driven by questions, with the right resources to explore and create the habit of supporting their decisions with data are the ones who will build (are already building) the history of the industry of the future.

The cases presented emphasized the above theory in practice and take place in one of the largest food industries in the world – Kraft Heinz. The partnership between the industry that dominates 90% of US refrigerators and ST-One began in 2023, and in a few months, it became a relationship between numerous plants, spread across 3 countries.


ST-One & Kraft Heinz Cases

enabling technology future industry

Copyright: EBDI

Two cases were presented, the first about wasted resources and the second about increasing performance.

In both cases, the one that generated savings and in the one that increased production rate, the solution was only possible through the exploration and thorough observation of the history of data that was collected from the respective machines.

Still, to arrive at the right data to be observed and compared, it was necessary to work in partnership – on one end there was market expertise and on the other the scientists and the intelligence that classified and created the formulas coming from the variables collected on the shop floor. (Read about how to find the right data for your industry here).

In short, the assertive analysis of the data allowed, in the first case, a significant reduction in the volume of wasted brine, and in the second case the investigation led to a 12% increase in the productivity of one of the machines in the cream cheese manufacturing park.

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