Success Cases

Real stories of customers who revolutionized their businesses across different industry sectors. Explore and get inspired.

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Discover how the ST-One Solution is transforming the industrial sector in more than 20 countries.

Download the available materials and explore the real impact on the businesses of our partners around the world.

+ Case

The intelligent use of valves in industry

A Case Study on Reducing Maintenance Costs and Downtime

+ Case

The use of data intelligence for innovation in R&D laboratories

This case study presents how the use of data science in R&D laboratories of a pulp and paper industry contributed to the development of new projects.

+ Case

Smart Industry: Data Science and Performance Improvement

A case study on how Data Science made productivity and performance in a food industry take a leap forward

+ Case

Reliability in the Beverage Industry: The Impact of Data Science on OEE

A case study on how Data Science contributed to the increase of OEE in a beverage manufacturing industry

+ Case

Henkel reduces water costs and gas consumption with the ST-One Solution™

A case study of how Data Science optimized gas use and lowered water costs in a chemical industry

+ Case

Sustainability and innovation: steam production with data science

A Case Study on Performance Analysis and Quality Enhancement

ST-One Clients

PepsiCo Clientes ST-One
Nordisk Clientes ST-One
Mococa Clientes ST-One
M Dias Branco Clientes ST-One
Klabin Clientes ST-One
Henkel Clientes ST-One
Dexco Clientes ST-One
Camil Cliente St-One
Logo Bosch Cliente St-One
ST-One Logotipo

Baixe aqui o material completo e descubra como a ST-One já impactou positivamente parceiros em mais de 23 países.